9. Graphics
9.4 Use of the Check Modes
Function name
Fixed cycle/special fixed
cycle function
Manual mode and
During checking, the machine can be moved by
changing the mode to manual or handle feed. Checking
is invalid.
F1 digit feed function ×
Zero point return/start
position return command
× Refer to (Note 1).
User macro I and II
Basic variable operations, and all judgment and branch
functions are valid.
Note that the following functions are invalid.
• Macro interface input/output
• Message display and stop
• Single block stop, miscellaneous function complete
signal, WAIT suppression.
• Feed hold, feedrate override, G09 valid/invalid
• Position data Note that the end point coordinates of
the previous block are valid.
When these commands are issued, they are ignored or
illegal data is input.
(Note) When an NC alarm occurs, the alarm state will
be entered without displaying a message for
the operator.