Mitsubishi Electronics 60/60S Router User Manual

4. Parameters (User)
4.2 Machining Parameters
<Normal line control>
# Item Contents Setup range (unit)
8041 C-rot.R
This is valid with normal line control type II.
Set the length from the center of the normal line
control axis to the end of the tool. This is used to
calculate the turning speed at the block joint.
0.000 to 99999.999
8042 C-ins.R
This is valid with normal line control type I.
Set the radius of the arc to be automatically inserted
into the corner during normal line control.
0.000 to 99999.999
<Fixed cycle>
# Item Contents Setup range (unit)
8051 G71 THICK
Set the amount of cut-in by the rough cutting cycle
(G71, G72)
0 to 99999.999 (mm)
8052 PULL UP
Set the amount of recess after cutting by the rough
cutting cycle (G71, G72).
0 to 99999.999 (mm)
8053 G73 U
Set the X-axis cutting margin of the forming rough
cutting cycle (G73).
–99999.999 to
99999.999 (mm)
8054 W
Set the Z-axis cutting margin of the forming rough
cutting cycle (G73).
–99999.999 to
99999.999 (mm)
8055 R
Set the number of times cutting is performed by the
forming rough cutting cycle (G73).
0 to 99999 (times)
8056 G74 RETRACT
Set the amount of retract (amount of cut-up) of the
push-cut cycle (G74, G75).
0 to 999.999 (mm)
8057 G76 LAST-D
Set the amount of final cut-in by the composite
threading cycle (G76).
0 to 999.999 (mm)
8058 TIMES
Set the number of times the amount of final cut-in
(G76 finish margin) is divided in the composite
threading cycle (G76).
0 to 99 (times)
8059 ANGLE
Set the angle (thread angle) of the tool nose in the
composite threading cycle (G76).
0 to 99 (°)
<Three-dimensional cutter compensation>
# Item Contents Setup range (unit)
8071 3-D CMP
(for M system only)
Value of p in the following denominator constants
for three-dimensional tool radius compensation
Vx = i x r/p, Vy = j x r/p, Vz = k x r/p
Vx, Vy, Vz: X, Y, and Z axes or vectors of horizontal
i, j, k: Program command value
r: Offset
p =
kji ++
when the set value is 0.
0 to 99999.999