Cisco Systems 4.1 Dust Collector User Manual

User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
Name cwcli config write2run – CiscoWorks cwcli config write2run function
Syntax cwcli config write2run -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel][-m email][-l logfile] { -device name
-ipaddress address} -f filename [-config 1|2][-listonly][-input argumentFile][-timeout
-primary_user primary user name][-primary_pass Base64 encoded primary
-enable_pass Base64 encoded enable password]
cwcli config write2run -help
Description write2run compares the latest running configuration for the device in the configuration archive with the
configuration in the file specified by the
-f argument to generate a new configuration that is downloaded
to the device, so that the end result is that the configuration specified in the file is available on the running
configuration of the device.
If -listonly is specified, the difference between the latest running configuration for the device in the
configuration archive and the new configuration that is generated is listed on the display, but no
configuration is downloaded to the device.
To run this command against multiple devices, specify the -input argument, which takes a file name as
an argument.
The contents of the file must be similar to those described in the Input List File Format section of cwcli
This command is not 100% reliable in that it may not successfully overwrite the running configuration.
This is due to the dependency on the underlying Diff API, which generates the configuration difference
to be downloaded to the device to make the running configuration on the device same as the one specified
in the file (by the
-f argument).
Name cwcli config write2start – CiscoWorks cwcli config write2start function
Syntax cwcli config write2start -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l logfile] { -device
-f filename |-ipaddress address} [-config 1|2][-input argumentFile][-timeout
-primary_user primary user name][-primary_pass Base64 encoded primary password]
-enable_pass Base64 encoded enable password]
cwcli config write2start -help
Description write2start erases the contents of the device's startup configuration and then writes the contents of the
given file as the device's new startup configuration. If you do not specify a file name, it prints an error
message and exits.
To run this command against multiple devices, you must specify the -input argument, which takes a file
name as its argument.
The contents of the file must be similar to those described in the Input List File Format section of cwcli